Adult Ministries at FCCB

Lenten Worship Banner


Here is a description of the symbols on the Lenten Banner in the Sanctuary and what they represent.  References to them can be found in the stories of the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, although just one Gospel was cited.


Palm Branch: Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem - Matthew 21:8

Rooster: The rooster crows three times and Peter betrays Jesus - Mark 14:72, Matthew 26:34 and 75

The Cup: The Last Supper - Matthew 26:26-28

Basin and Towel: Jesus washed his disciples' feet - John 13:5

Gavel: Represents the trial where Jesus is condemned to die - Mark 14:64

Nails: Represents the crucifixion - Matthew 27:35

Crown of Thorns: Crown made by the soldiers for the "King of the Jews" - Matthew 27:29

Dice: Soldiers play a game for Jesus' clothes - Matthew 27:35

Lenten Book Study


Join us on Wednesdays during Lent as we read and discuss the Rev. Molly Phinney Baskette's book "How to Begin When Your World Is Ending".  More information can be found on the Lenten book study page - please click to go to that page!

Lay Readers or Liturgists


Would you like to be more actively engaged in worship?  We would love to have your voice in worship.  Our church will return to the practice of having lay readers or liturgists helping lead Sunday morning worship.  After returning to "in person" worship, the Deacons took on that role.  It is time to bring in more voices.


You are invited to be a liturgist.  This is a great way to give thanks to God and share your gifts with the congregation.  The Deacons and Pastor Ryan will support you in your Sunday morning leadership.


Talk to a Deacon or Pastor Ryan if you are interested or if you have any questions.  A sign up will be available soon!

FCCB Prayer Chain


First Church Bethel is starting a prayer chain and you are invited.  You are invited to be a part of the prayer chain.  You are also invited to include prayers in the prayer chain.


If you would like to be a part of the team offering  prayers to God on behalf of our community and the world, please talk to Head Deacon Marcia or Pastor Ryan.  We are working out the logistics, so it will take a little while to be up and running.


We envision that folks will be able to be a part of the prayer team and receive/send prayers through phone call, text and/or email.  We want to make this as accessible as possible without making it too complicated.


You are always welcome to send prayers to


Prayers can be lifted up in worship, including in the prayer chain, and will be held in prayer by the pastor as well.